Welcome to the Cotswold Art Club
Membership is open to all artists both amateur and professional. The club gives support and encouragement to its members with a number of activities.
He took us through his technique of starting with a sketch, then ruling some non-parallel straight lines. Then he worked through paying attention to the individual lines and shapes, simplifying some areas, moving some line slightly and began to fragment the image.
When he was happy with the composition he then proceeded to painting some shapes, and collage other. While there was not enough time to finish the artwork it was an extremely effective and enthralling way to teach the fundamentals of his craft.
It was a very calming process to watch leading several members intending to have a try at this technique.
In April Andy Dice Davies gave us a talk on street art focusing on the Cheltenham Paint Festival in particular. This was a very interesting talk fom the beginning of the festival to the current situation with the problems in funding.
Join us on 21st Sept 2024 when Figures in Watercolour will be the subject of the demonstration by David Wilcox
More infomation about this years schedule is on Club Meeting Page
Like to see other members art? Then check out the Members Profile Page.
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Check the Club Exhibition Page to see all planned exhibitions and add them to your diary.