Welcome to the Cotswold Art Club
Membership is open to all artists both amateur and professional. The club gives support and encouragement to its members with a number of activities.
Hannah started by passing around a number of lino and wood blocks for us to see and feel. She introduced us to how she kept a sketch book before transferring this to the print block. She then discussed the different types of block and the tools. She used demonstrated a number of different types of marks that can be made on the lino.
She then proceeded to quickly carve out some flowers showing us how to maintain the lines by cutting carefully on each side of the drawn line, reminding us that we were cutting out the light part and printing the darker parts.
We were also given the opportunity to try out a little ourselves.
Then it was time for printing and we had a great demo of how to blend two colours for the print. Followed by the effort in the hand burnishing in order to get a good print/
Everyone enjoyed Hannahs’ relaxed, friendly and informal demo answering the many questions constructively and honestly
Join us on 15th Feburary when Pattern in Nature will be the subject of the demonstration by Jackie Garner using Acrylics
More information about this years schedule is on Club Meeting Page
Like to see other members art? Then check out the Members Profile Page.
Want to have your art on the Profile Page? Instructions here How to have a members profile page
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We are back at Hidcote throughout March in 2025 See the art