Add an artist profile page to the site

If you would like a profile page then just prepare your photos and text (as detailed below) and email them direct to the Website Co-Ordinator.  

All current members should receive an email from the Website Co-Ordinator in January reminding them that they can have a page set up or their current page updated.  Just reply to this email directly. 

If you don’t have an email sent to you, and you are a member then use the page to send a message to the Website Co-Ordinator.

After the page is constructed the link will be emailed back to you for checking.  Don’t worry about getting everything perfect, words can be re-written and photos changed.

Requirements to be Emailed

Title: How you would like your page to be titled.  The Default is Firstname Surname

Blurb: Provide a short description as text directly in the email.  Think about telling the story of your progress in art, what inspires you, what do you enjoy doing the most.

Tagline:  (Optional) Provide a short sentence or quote that will be added at the start as bold text.

Profile Picture:
One artwork photo cropped as square (each less than 0.5 Mb and cropped to show just the artwork).
Named as FirstnameSurnameProfile 

Gallery Photos: Up to 5 images of artwork, (each less than 0.5 Mb and cropped to show just the artwork, these do not need to be square).  You can include any artwork your have created even if it is now sold, this will allow other members to get a flavour of what each of us do.
Named as FirstnameSurname01, FirstnameSurname02 etc 

Website: (Optional) Website URL (this will be linked to your profile page title) 

Social Media: (Optional) Any Social Media links provided will be added under the title.

Personal Image: (Optional) If you want your headshot included then provide this named as FirstnameSurnamePerson

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